laly - Creative Portfolio HTML5 Template

laly – One Page HTML5 Template suitable for any creative agency, corporate business, startups company, personal portfolio .1 html files are included in this template with lots of CSS and JQuery animations. Multiple font and color styles are included in this template to ensure your branding requirements. This template is very well commented and also have proper help documentation to customize it easily.

Full Features
- Build with HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap,SASS
- Fully Responsive and Supported Modern Devices like Mobile, Tablet, Desktop, etc.
- Bootstrap 4
- Eye Catching Design
- All Modern Browser Supported.
- Google Fonts
- Well Organized and Easy to Customize

What’s include ?

CSS files
- style.css
- bootstrap.min.css
- animate.css
- owl.carousel.min.css
- jquery.fancybox.min.css
- jam-icons.min.css
- fontawesome-all.min.css

JS Files
- jquery.min.js
- bootstrap.min.js
- isotope.pkgd.min.js
- jquery.fancybox.min.js
- owl.carousel.min.js
- popper.min.js
- custom.js

Web fonts.

* Demo Images not included in the download files.

1. Jquery –
2 Isotope –
3. fancybox –
4. Owl Carousel 2 –
5. fontAwesome –

laly template is great to use for you and your bussines.
