Need to kickstart your startup or existing business with a new elegant website? Sartre is a flexible, well crafted template that offers a range of unique concepts, pre-design blocks, a bunch of components and plugins. Build a unique and solid website that functions well on desktop, tablet and mobile.
If you have any pre-sale questions do not hesitate to contact us through our profile.
Main Features
- Ultra responsive
- Retina ready
- 8 concepts, 24 variations
- 50+ HTML template files
- Full-width and fullscreen slider sections (with Vimeo/YouTube API)
- Fullscreen parallax sections
- Fullscreen sections with bullet navigation
- Lightbox with social sharing and modal support
- Sortable portfolio ( opt for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 column layouts with large, small or without margins )
- 3 Project page layouts
- 3 About page layouts
- 3 Contact page layouts
- With working AJAX contact form
- Blog
- Standard blog index with sidebar right and left
- Creative blog index with grid ( opt for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 column layouts with large, small or without margin )
- Full width blog index
- Post page with sidebar right and left
- Left, center, and right aligned headers
- Sub menu, mega menu, and header dropdown support
- Several footer styles
- Mobile overlay navigation
- Mobile off-screen navigation
- Working MailChimp newsletter signup form
- 404, 500, and maintenance page
- 400+ Entypo Font Icons
- Carefully handpicked Google Fonts
- 20+ Components
- 8+ Plugins
- Coded with care! Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- And so much more..
Standard ThemeMountain Product Features
3 Premium In-house Developed Plugins
With every ThemeMountain product you get 8 in-house developed core plugins (3 premium, 5 free). This means you do not need to rely on any third party for such things as sliders, lightboxes, parallax sections etc. We’ve got you covered. It also means, when there is an update, you’ll always be sure to get it!
Example of Premium Plugins:
Avalanche Slider
- Hardware accelerated content slider with touch support
- Captions with CSS3 transition support
- Supports HTML5 background video
- Supports Vimeo, & YouTube video + API
- Supports fullscreen, full-width and carousel mode
- Support for landscape & portrait images
- Multiple sliders can be added to same page
- Solid API for further customisation
- Very detailed documentation with examples
Summit Lightbox
- A lightweight responsive lightbox with touch support
- Supports images, Vimeo & YouTube Video, Iframe and AJAX content
- Modal support
- Caption support
- Social sharing: facebook, twitter and pinterest
- Very detailed documentation and examples
Snowbridge Parallax
- Exclusive responsive parallax plugin
- Uses requestAnimationFrame to achieve a higher frame rate
- Very detailed documentation and examples
Full In-house Plugin List:
- Avalanche Slider
- Summit Lightbox
- Snowbridge Parallax
- Horizon Reveal
- Equalize Heights
- Retinize Images
- Counter
- Swipe It
Third Party Plugin List:
- imagesLoaded
- Isotope
- FluidVids
- MediaElement
20+ Predesigned Sections
All our templates come with 20+ predesigned sections that can be copied into any of the templates and easily styled to suit your requirements. Detailed documentation and examples are provided for each section.
To name a few:- Hero sections
- Social sections
- Stat sections
- Portfolio sections
- Signup sections
- and much more
20 Framework Components
Our Timber framework comes with 20 components ( accordions, tabs, buttons, pricing table etc.) that are easy to style and can be dropped into any template. Our documentation provides a detailed example of each component and how it can be styled.
PSD Files
Sartre includes psd files for the logo and map marker only.SOS! I Need Support!
In addition to an extremely detailed template and framework documentation we provide top-notch support!
Post a comment or open a ticket here.
All of our base photos come from the following stock photography sites:- BigStock
- iStockPhoto
Note: Demo images are not included, instead placeholder images are used.
- Vimeo
- IDEO – IDEO MonYay – Sincerely App – https://vimeo.com/124071445
- Luisa Brimble – Konjac Noodle Salad with Seared Atlantic Salmon | Sarah Glover – https://vimeo.com/131152297
- Marco Bagni LostConversation – Incomplete Manifesto for Growth – https://vimeo.com/81435540
- Christian Lauer – Stefan Eckstein | photographer – https://vimeo.com/63952497
- simonun – Showreel 2012 – https://vimeo.com/45661116
- Oliver Dead – Student Reel – https://vimeo.com/37439825
- We Are Handsome – We Are Handscome – Flux, In Bloom – https://vimeo.com/136778482
- Oleg Chulakov Studio – Motion design for Fantasy’s Airline vision – https://vimeo.com/72896702
- TheVectorLab – Typographic Logos is now on Udemy AND Skillshare! – https://vimeo.com/120660835
- Longsight Films – Brian Hurson of The Nite Owl Barber Shop,Toronto, Canada. – https://vimeo.com/119087784
- Davide Scarpantonio – Un augurio virtuale pt.3 – https://vimeo.com/82969847
Background Videos Featured in Sartre
Luisa Brimble – Konjac Noodle Salad with Seared Atlantic Salmon | Sarah Glover – https://vimeo.com/131152297
Filmed & Edited by: Luisa Brimble lbrimble.com/
Licensed under: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Changes by ThemeMountain: reduced the length of the video.
Remix Licensed under: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Ethan Russell – The Union Project – Barber Shop Night – https://vimeo.com/97850127
Licensed under: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Changes by ThemeMountain: reduced the length of the video.
Remix Licensed under: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- imagesLoaded – http://imagesloaded.desandro.com/
- Isotope – http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
- FluidVids – https://github.com/toddmotto/fluidvids
- MediaElement – http://mediaelementjs.com/
Template Changelog
v.1.0.8 – 28/11/17
Files Affected:CSS: 1. css/core.min.css 2. css/timber.css 3. css/avalanche.css 4. css/horizon.css 5. css/templates.css 6. css/skin-web-application.css 7. css/skin-web-application-one-page.css 8. css/skin-travel-agency.css 9. css/skin-travel-agency-one-pae.css 10. css/skin-resume.css 11. css/skin-resume-one-page.css 12. css/skin-restaurant.css 13. css/skin-restuarant-one-page.css 14. css/skin-photo-studio.css 15. css/skin-photo-studio-one-page.css 16. css/skin-mobile-application.css 17. css/skin-mobile-application-one-page.css 18. css/skin-design-agency.css 19. css/skin-design-agency-one-page.css 20. css/skin-barber-shop.css 21. css/skin-baber-shop-one-page.css 22. css/skin-architecture.css 23. css/skin-architecture-one-page.css JS: 1. js/timber.master.min.js 2. js/timber.js 3. js/avalanche.js 4. js/horizon.js 5. js/snowbridge.js 6. js/summit.js 7. js/template-functions.jsUpdates:
NEW: - Renard Design Agency One Page Layouts FIXED: - Fullscreen sections bug which appeared in Chrome, Safari and FireFox - Flex column issues where vertical top and vertical bottom alignment didn't work - Avalanche slider overlay issue not showing for HTML5 videos - Height-auto class not overriding lightbox modal fixed heights - Froogaloop API URL for Avalanche slider Vimeo videos - Scroll to section detection bug ADDED: - Summit: modalAnimation attribute used for modal mode. Specified as slideInTop, slideInBottom, scaleIn, scaleOut using the attribute data-modal-animation ex. data-modal-animation="scaleIn" on a.lightbox-link - Sub menus: added support for custom content - Background image support for portfolio grids. Activated through data attribute data-as-bkg-image added to div.grid-container - Support for drop up lists for Timber dropdowns. Activated through the class .list-up added to div.dropdown. - Avalanche background video slides now receive the class .video-bkg-loaded once video has loaded for custom targeting. - Background color to Vimeo iframes CHANGED: - Preloader default style - Thumbnail caption over outer wrapper padding from 3rem to 2rem by default IMPROVED: - Scroll to section behavior and detection
v.1.0.7 – 24/08/16
Files Affected:CSS: 1. css/core.min.css 2. css/timber.css 3. css/avalanche.css 4. css/horizon.css 5. css/templates.css 6. css/skin-web-application.css 7. css/skin-web-application-one-page.css 8. css/skin-travel-agency.css 9. css/skin-travel-agency-one-pae.css 10. css/skin-resume.css 11. css/skin-resume-one-page.css 12. css/skin-restaurant.css 13. css/skin-restuarant-one-page.css 14. css/skin-photo-studio.css 15. css/skin-photo-studio-one-page.css 16. css/skin-mobile-application.css 17. css/skin-mobile-application-one-page.css 18. css/skin-design-agency.css 19. css/skin-design-agency-one-page.css 20. css/skin-barber-shop.css 21. css/skin-baber-shop-one-page.css 22. css/skin-architecture.css 23. css/skin-architecture-one-page.css JS: 1. js/timber.master.min.js 2. js/timber.js 3. js/avalanche.js 4. js/horizon.js 5. js/template-functions.jsUpdates:
HTML: - All sections that previously used the class transparent-element is now replaced by the opacity class opacity-05. - Hero-5 content column padding has been removed, and now relies solely on the column width classes (better rendering on mobile) NEW: - One page layout for Travel Agency - Separate elements pages with new and improved examples of framework elements - More pricing table examples - More tabs and accordion styles - Checkbox and Radio box styling - More weight classes - Improved hero slider FIXED: - Cart badge in header navigation, now aligns properly in FireFox ADDED: - Avalanche: Vimeo and YouTube background video support - Avalanche: support for new attributes "data-as-bkg-img" which sets slider image as background image of li.tms-slide (useful where image needs to scale to container) - Summit Lightbox: support for new attribute "data-aux-classes", allows to add custom classes to lightbox wrapper. - Google Maps: Support for multiple maps in a single page and map pan links - Hero 5: Support for content slider within the Hero 5 media column - New class for footers to break columns into two columns on tablet
v.1.0.6 – 11/04/16
Files Affected:CSS: 1. css/core.min.css 2. css/timber.css 3. css/avalanche.css 4. css/horizon.css 5. css/templates.css JS: 1. js/timber.master.min.js 2. js/avalanche.js 3. js/horizon.js 4. js/template-functions.jsUpdates:
HTML: - All sections that previously used the equalize plugin now uses flexbox instead. This simply means that the equalize plugin class has been swapped from "equalize" to "flex" on row wrappers in the markup. NEW: - One page layout for Mobile Application - One page layout for Web Application - One page layout for Architecture - Slider caption animation presets for easer animation handling - see: http://bit.ly/1qLM4f0 - Horizon animation presets for easer animation handling - see: http://bit.ly/1Q3S7zX - Horizon parallax - horizon elements can now be made to scroll at a different rates than the overall page - see: http://bit.ly/1Vj0wrd FIXED: - Fullscreen section bug in Edge ADDED: - Support for flexbox. Columns can now be equalized in height using flexbox classes instead of the equalize plugin (plugin still fully functional). All sections that previously used the equalize plugin now uses flexbox instead. - see: http://bit.ly/1qF5GkL.
v.1.0.5 – 10/03/16
Files Affected:CSS: 1. css/core.min.css 2. css/skin.css 3. css/skin-web-application.css 4. css/skin-travel-agency.css 5. css/skin-restaurant.css 6. css/skin-photo-studio.css 7. css/skin-mobile-application.css 8. css/skin-design-agency.css 9. css/skin-barber-shop.css 10. css/skin-architecture.css JS: 1. js/timber.master.min.jsUpdates:
FIXED: - Animation resize bug with creative blog layout IMPROVED: - Existing about page layouts - Improved post title spacing in blog layouts - Existing 404, 500 and maintenance page. Now uses fullscreen section for background image instead of slider. ADDED: - Three service page layouts - Another creative blog layout with parallax
v.1.0.4 – 2/03/16
Files Affected:CSS: 1. css/core.min.css 2. css/timber.css 3. css/avalanche.css 4. css/templates.css 5. css/skin.css 6. css/skin-web-application.css 7. css/skin-travel-agency.css 8. css/skin-restaurant.css 9. css/skin-photo-studio.css 10. css/skin-mobile-application.css 11. css/skin-design-agency.css 12. css/skin-barber-shop.css 13. css/skin-architecture.css JS: 1. js/timber.js 2. js/jquery.tm.avalanche.js 3. js/jquery.tm.avalanche.min.js 4. js/template-functions.js 5. js/timber.master.min.jsUpdates:
NEW: - New and improved Hero Section 5 structure. More on the new structure here: http://bit.ly/1oP7Htm - New helper classes added to Timber Framework. More on the new classes here: http://bit.ly/21859mr FIXED: - Errors in Framework Documentation - Errors in Template Documentation IMPROVED: - Existing layouts for mobile app, travel agency, photo studio, agency, barber shop, restaurant and resume. ADDED: - 5 one page layouts for resume, barber shop, agency, restaurant and photo studio. - New slider effects for Avalanche slider. Slides can now be animated using "slideLeftRight", "slideTopBottom", "scaleIn", "scaleOut". See: http://bit.ly/1FXCq9Y - New data attributes to control appearance of Avalanche slider. Now slider arrows, pagination, progress bar and slide animation can be set directly using data attributes. See: http://bit.ly/1FXCq9Y - The ability add form fields, select boxes, and check boxes to any contact form without having to edit JS or PHP. See: http://bit.ly/1LUYkxu
v.1.0.3 – 11/02/16
Files Affected:JS: 1. js/jquery.tm.avalanche.js 2. js/jquery.tm.avalanche.min.js 2. js/timber.master.min.jsUpdates:
FIXED: - Avalanche Slider height bug in Safari 9.0.3.
v.1.0.2 – 7/02/16
Files Affected:CSS: 1. css/core.min.css 2. css/timber.css 3. css/avalanche.css 4. css/skin.css 5. css/skin-web-application.css 6. css/skin-travel-agency.css 7. css/skin-restaurant.css 8. css/skin-photo-studio.css 9. css/skin-mobile-application.css 10. css/skin-design-agency.css 11. css/skin-barber-shop.css 12. css/skin-architecture.css JS: 1. js/timber.js 2. js/timber.master.min.js 3. js/template-functions.jsUpdates:
NEW: - New and improved structure for main menus, side navigation and overlay navigation. <br /> More on new navigation structure here: http://framework.thememountain.com/components/navigation.html - Headers have been reworked from scratch to provide a faster and easier way to handle navigational elements. <br />More on the new header structure here: http://docs.thememountain.com/html/templates/sections/headers.html - Simplified footer structure.<br /> More on the new footer structure here: http://docs.thememountain.com/html/templates/sections/footers.html - Grids have been reworked to provide an easier setup. Grid options now set directly as data attributes on the gird wrapper. <br />More on grids here: http://docs.thememountain.com/html/templates/sections/portfolio-sections.html - Google Maps parameters now set through data attributes. <br />More on maps here: <br />http://docs.thememountain.com/html/templates/sections/google-map-sections.html IMPROVED: - Framework CSS and animation classes. ADDED: - Shop Layouts - Preloader for masonry grids
v.1.0.1 – 29/12/15
Files Affected:1. css/core.min.css 2. css/avalanche.css 3. css/skin.css 4. css/skin-web-application.css 5. css/skin-travel-agency.css 6. css/skin-restaurant.css 7. css/skin-photo-studio.css 8. css/skin-mobile-application.css 9. css/skin-design-agency.css 10. css/skin-barber-shop.css 11. css/skin-architecture.cssUpdates:
FIXED: - Portfolio filter menu - initial bottom border color set to transparent instead of white - Featured slider initial width - now set to 100% ADDED: - Simple Timeline to Framework - see: http://framework.thememountain.com/components/timeline.html - Résumé Layouts
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