Queen is Unique, Responsive and Retina Ready template made with care and love for those who want to showcase their work in a unique and professional way. It is built with latest web practices and technique HTML5, CSS3. This is multi-purpose template and you and can use it for any type of website. Queen comes with extensive documentation explained in details how to setup the template, but if you have any question just feel free to ask i will help you as much as i can.
Latest Updates
- Fixed css skin issue ( 19.06.2014 ) - Fixed javascript issue with "pie chart" and "counter up" plugin ( 12.06.2014 )
Main Features
- Professional & Unique on ThemeForest
- Modern & Clean Design
- Built with HTML5 & CSS3
- Responsive Design
- Retina Ready Template
- Animated page content
- Premium Revolution Slider ( 12$ value )
- Predefined ( red, blue, green, magenta, purple ) color skins but you can make your own within the seconds ( explained in the documetntaion )
- Responsive Pricing Table
- Working Ajax/PHP Contact Form
- Integrated Font Awesome ( more than 300+ icons )
- Valid HTML code
- Clean & Commented code
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Flickr & Twitter feed
- Based on Skeleton – Responsive Grid
- 6 Types of Blog Posts
- Eazy to Customize
- Extensive Documentation
- PSD “Services” Design included ( see page services.html )
- 5 Star Support – If you got any questions feel free to contact me via email or the comments section it will be pleasure to answer and help as much as i can.
- much more…
Images comes with the template, they are downloaded from http://www.unsplash.com
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