For more accurate results, remove the top frame of the preview.
Cubic is the first template using the power of CSS3 to bring your website to another level by using 3D effects.
It’s the perfect solution to display your portfolio in a unique way and falls back to an horizontal layout is 3D effects are not supported.
IMPORTANT : the 3D effects will be rendered in Safari 5+ and Chrome 12+, all the other browsers will automatically use the horizontal variant. You can have a look to the demo with different browsers to see the difference.
Main Features
- 3D and Horizontal Layouts
- One-Page Template
- Filterable Portfolio
- Colorbox Lightbox
- CSS Grid
- Contact Form
- Degrades if Javascript is disabled
- Typography Elements
- Documentation included
3D Compatible Browsers
- Safari 5+
- Chrome 12+
Horizontal Layout for
- Internet Explorer 7+
- Firefox 3+
- Chrome 4 to 11
- Opera 10.50+
05/16/2011 – Version 1.1
- Added QueryLoader which helps loading the page
05/14/2011 – Version 1.0
- Initial release
Special Credits
This template is based on the amazing Jmpress jQuery plugin by shama (Kyle Robinson Young)
Credit Photos
Please note that the photos of the live preview are not included in the package. You’ll get placeholders ready to be replaced by your pictures.
- Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA. (#60260)
- South Bank Tilt-Shift
- The view beyond the Lincoln Tunnel ‘Helix”
- View from the Duomo
- Toden Arakawa Line tilt-shift
- (#91347)
- IMG_91330
- Helena Hong (#78898)
- Branxton [Tilt-shift]
- chicago tilt shift
- Tilt-Shift Chicago Downtown
- Carsten Holler slides at Tate Modern tiltshifted
- Prague – Old Town Square 2
- Mercadillo (tilt shift)
- Tokyo Haneda International Airport(Tilt Shift)
- Train Set
- Crossing the ministreet
- Lunch Set
- Toy Boats
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