Creative Single Page Portfolio is the definitive template for showcasing visual portfolios, easily customizable with 7 (6+1) modules and a powerful fullscreen gallery to showcase big size works directly on homepage. The template comes with 3 samples to help the user the customization process. The jQuery library for transitions makes this template cross-platform and mobile friendly.
Finally a template that doesn’t look like a template
* Minimal Layout & elegant design* 6 built-in modules
* Fullscreen background gallery with thumbnails
* Vimeo & Youtube module
* Powerful lightbox – PrettyPhoto, with accesible configuration
* Full layered PSD files included
* Well documented – Top notch support
The template uses Google API Fonts system. This means you don’t need to manage your own font files, all fonts will be read from Google server. Just refer inside the < head > tag your desired font (default: Signika) and then go to styles.css file and replace the string with your font ID. For more info and fonts check the following URL:https://developers.google.com/webfonts/
Assets Info
The file uses some open source files, here are the project / authors urls. Please refer to them in case you have doubts regarding licenses or copyrights limitations while using this template.- http://www.jquery.com
- http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- http://vegas.jaysalvat.com/
- http://galleria.io
- http://onehackoranother.com/projects/jquery/tipsy/
- http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyPhoto/
About the images
The online samples images belongs to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes.
The images used in the Photographers preview has been purchased & licensed on www.depositphotos.com
The images used in the Architects preview belongs to this great free stock site: www.rgbstock.com
Social media Icons freely distributed by Komodo Media
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