Slidexy - HTML5/jQuery One Pager With Transitions

  • v1.2 update – 18 March 2013 – non-nav href bug fix (fixes logo links, ‘back to top’ on mobile)
  • v1.1 update – 15 August 2012
  • Minor bug fixes: JS – edge case resize triggering problem; IE7 positioning issue

Responsive: iPad, iPhone and desktop ready

Slidexy is a dynamic and modern HTML5 ‘one-page’ template with jQuery multi-directional easing scrollTo transitions between the sections. It is responsive i.e. it reflows/simplifies on small viewports e.g. mobiles, and there are two navigation formats dependent on the device.

A key part of this template is that it uses javascript to automatically ‘spread’ the content for the desktop/scrollTo layout – so that on smaller screens the content is presented in a more appropriate format.

It’s also been designed to work well on iPad in both landscape and portrait format – the menu bar fits both orientations, and the transitions work nicely on iPad.


“I love this template and have purchased it. I think it is just what I’m looking for. Something simple but with a twist!”

“Excellent work! Have not been this excited by a theme in a long time. Bought it and rated 5 stars!”

“Buy it if you’re looking for a responsive multi-directional eased scrolling jQuery plugin.”

“Brilliant template. I don’t see where to rate this, but I give it FIVE STARS .”

“I love the design, simplicity, and cross platform”
