Cloud is a very sleek and easy to customize Template for everyone. With an interesting and fresh design you can be sure about that everyone will remember your name!
One Site 5 Pages
The whole Content is playing in one window. Powered by JqueryWorking Contact Form with Validation
PHP & Javascript powered contact form – just add your email address and its done. Simple! It will automatically valid the inputs. Perfect to stay in touch with friends or clients.
Social is a big thing
From the ground up this Theme is 100% made for Social. A funny Bird on the top left + a social list + twitter updates! Easily add / remove Social sites. Also there are many Icons included!- Blogger
- Delicious
- Digg
- flickr
- FriendFeed
- Friendster
- furl
- last.fm
- Livejournal
- Ma.gnolia
- Mixx
- MySpace
- NetVibes
- NewsVine
- Picasa Web Albums
- Pownce
- StumbleUpon
- Technorati
- Tumblr
- Themeforest
- Vimeo
- Webshots
- Wordpress
- Yahoo!
- Yelp
- Youtube
- Clean Template
- HTML5 Valid
- Well explained code
- Well explained readme
- 32 Social Icons
- Fast loading
- Built for the future (CSS3,HTML5)
- Extra CSS for Internet Explorer
- Works in all Browsers
- Lifetime Support
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